UK: New MHRA Website (11-Mar-2015)

As of 28 January 2015, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) website is now on GOV.UK New web address is The contact has been rewritten so it is easier and clearer to understand. How does this affect you? Bookmarks and saved...

Romania: New ARPIM HCP/HCO Disclosure Code (20/02/2014)

A new ARPIM Code on Disclosure of Transfers of Value from Pharmaceutical Companies to Healthcare Professionals (HCP) and Healthcare Organisations (HCO) was published in Dec 2013. The new code is applicable from 1st January 2015. Applicability of the Code The Code...

Romania: ARPIM HCP Code Revised in Dec 2013 (20/02/2014)

The ARPIM Code of Ethics was last amended in December 2013.  The latest version of the ARPIM HCP Code is applicable from 1st April 2014.   Revisions include: Obligation to Disclose NIS Studies: ARPIM members shall disclose their observational studies the relevant form...

Romania: New National Ethics Committee (20/02/2014)

[Contributed by Mirela Tudor, Senior Specialist, Late Stage Submissions Group, inVentiv Health Clinical] The National Ethics Committee is now the “National Bioethics Committee of Medicines and Medical Devices (CNBMDM)” which has now taken full responsibility for...

Croatia: Hundreds Charged with Corruption (10/02/2014)

Source: BBC News The authorities in Croatia have charged a pharmaceutical company and 364 people – most of them reportedly doctors – for allegedly rigging the drugs market. Senior managers at the drugs firm Farmal bribed a network of doctors and...

USA – New FDA draft 'Guidance for Industry on Fulfilling Regulatory Requirements for Postmarketing Submissions of Interactive Promotional Media for Prescription Human and Animal Drugs and Biologics (06/02/2014)

The FDA draft ‘Guidance for Industry on Fulfilling Regulatory Requirements for Postmarketing Submissions of Interactive Promotional Media for Prescription Human and Animal Drugs and Biologics’ is intended to describe FDA’s current thinking about how...

India: New Audio-Visual Consent Guidelines (09/01/2014)

Audio-Visual Recording of Informed Consent There has been much talk over the past 6+ months about the new requirements for the patient consent process to be videoed. These requirements were implemented in late 2013 through the DCGI Administration Order of 19 Nov 2013....

Medicines Australia: Transparency Reporting (18/01/2014)

Transparency of payments and transfers of value Medicines Australia is a strong advocate for transparency of payments and other ‘transfers of value’ provided by the Australian medicines industry to health consumer organisations and healthcare professionals. The...

Australia: Privacy Law Reforms Effective from 12 March 2014

The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Privacy Amendment Act) was introduced to Parliament on 23 May 2012 and was passed with amendments on 29 November 2012.  The Privacy Amendment Act is a part of the privacy law reform process that began in...

France: Update on the 'French Sunshine Act' (18/01/2014)

Author: Mark Heinemann, Senior NIS Submissions Specialist, inVentiv Health Clinical According to the provisions of  article L.1453-1 CSP, pharmaceutical companies must now disclose the existence of agreements that they concluded with: Healthcare professionals,...