REQueST® tool and its Vision paper are now available for Public Consultation
The use of registries is becoming increasingly common in health technology assessment (HTA) and regulation. There is a growing interest in the role of observational data in complementing experimental data. This project aims to support best practice in the collection, use and re-use of real world data, and explore options to support sustainable multi-stakeholder collaboration.
The Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) & the Croatian Institute for Public Health (HZJZ) are pleased to share the following WP5 strand B draft outputs for an 8 week public consultation:
- REQueST (Registry Evaluation and Quality Standards Tool): a tool that is built upon the results of the PARENT joint actions and aims to support HTA organisations in guiding and evaluating registries for effective usage in HTA. Available HERE.
- Vision paper on the sustainable availability of the REQueST: accompanying the tool is a vision paper setting out proposed options for the long-term delivery, use and sustainability of REQueST beyond Joint Action 3. Available HERE.
The tool has been developed to be a comprehensive resource that covers all important aspects relating to the quality of registries and will hopefully be an invaluable resource to HTA bodies and others by ensuring a consistent quality of evidence is being used.
The Registry Evaluation and Quality Standards Tool (REQueST) has been developed to support more systematic and wide-spread use of registry data in HTA. It will support consistent evaluation of the suitability of registries for HTA, and address concerns about the reliability of registry data for use in HTA. The tool uses criteria and standards published in existing guidelines, frameworks and projects, as well as several newly developed criteria. It is designed to be used by registry owners to assess the quality of their registry, and international organisations considering whether to use registry data in evidence development for HTA and regulatory monitoring
The above outputs have been produced in parallel with, and with awareness of, other work on the use of patient registries being conducted by other organisations (such as the European Medicines Agency (EMA)) and those organisations have been included in this consultation to further ensure synergies between these different pieces of work.