by chuck_ltd | 30 Mar, 2018 | 21 Century Cures Act, Cures Act, EHR, Real Word Evidence, Virtual Clinical Research
The Trump Administration is launching the MyHealthEData initiative which aims to empower patients by ensuring that they control their healthcare data and can decide how their data is going to be used, all while keeping that information safe and secure CMS is committed...
by chuck_ltd | 29 Apr, 2016 | CHCUK News & Articles, Data Privacy, EHR, Virtual Clinical Research
The Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance came into effect on 2 December 2015. The Ordinance provides the legal framework for public and private hospitals and other healthcare providers to collect, share and keep patient’s electronic health record...
by chuck_ltd | 15 Feb, 2016 | CHCUK News & Articles, EHR, News, NIS
Health secretary Jeremy Hunt announced earlier this week that more than £4 billion will be invested to bring modern technology into the NHS. It is thought that £1.8bn will be set aside to digitise records, removing the reliance on paper and outdated technology such as...
by chuck_ltd | 7 Dec, 2015 | CHCUK News & Articles, Data Privacy, EHR, GCP, News, NIS, Pragmatic Trials, Real Word Evidence, Virtual Clinical Research
NHS trusts and health boards sponsoring a clinical trial, or hosting a trial sponsored by a commercial company need to ensure their electronic health record systems comply with legal requirements for good clinical practice. This guidance covers common inspection...
by chuck_ltd | 1 Dec, 2015 | CHCUK News & Articles, EHR, GCP, News, NIS, Pragmatic Trials, Real Word Evidence, Virtual Clinical Research
Background A national Electronic Health Record (EHR) has been identified by HSE National Directors and clinical leaders as a key capability requirement for the future delivery of healthcare. While technology solutions are a key component, there will be a primary focus...